Friday, February 17, 2012

England - Football: Henry is confident Arsenal's ability to overcome these difficult times

He Thierry Henry Arsenal legend former confidence in the ability of "Gunners" to overcome "difficult times" in which they live now, especially after the historic defeat against Milan in the round of 16 Champions League Qualifiers clean.

Henry stressed in an interview with Arsenal-mail before leaving to join his team New York Red Bulls U.S. Ganrz The "deal" with the most appropriate form will almost certainly remove him from the Champions League.

The player Arsenal fans that even the best generations that have passed on the London club "lived some difficult times as well and that all the teams going through inaction and retreat before they come back and rise up again."

He said trying to comfort the masses of the English team, "things do not always go well and you should have to remember that we went through these circumstances where we would like to end the game until we return home only. I trust in the ability of this team to deal well with what is going through now."

The former Barcelona player he knows that to recover from the blow to him painful liver that Milan could be a "hell" on his former team, but he urged the public not to lose confidence in this generation of players.

The return of Henry of Arsenal and rosy when he scored a great goal he led the team to beat Leeds United in the FA Cup two months ago.

But the last game played by Arsenal shirt this season was a sad end when he landed his team in front of Milan all four.

Henry took part at the beginning of the second half at a time when Arsenal with two goals late, could not lead his team to close the gap.

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